Saturday, June 12, 2010


i'm katie. i'm twenty and i'm short, with dark brown hair. i like to curse. well, not really like to, but i do it an awful lot. more than i should. i don't really capitalize but i punctuate, if you don't like it... well, i really don't care. i love reading, i always have a book with me, usually paperback... but when i don't have a real book with me i have a back up book on my kindle app on my iphone. and yes, i have an iphone and it is like an extension of my arm. i need it. it's a sick and twisted relationship. i'm very random, i can't focus really well on a single topic. i'll jump back and forth and go from one thing to another and it will be without warning. that's one of the main reasons i need to stay on this blog. gotta write down everything i'm thinking about. and a main way to vent my frustrations. some of them will be unfair and unwarranted, and some will be ridiculous, and i really don't care. because life is ridiculous and unfair. and i can complain about whatever the fuck i want to on here. it's my blog. KAY THANKS. (: i'm going to college and majoring in english with a minor in media communications, but i just chose that major. i was a business major, which did NOT work because i'm not a two plus two equals four kinda person. it bored me and i sucked at it just for the single fact that it was lame as hell and you couldn't argue anything. and really, what is the world without an opinion? i'm not the type to ignore others' opinions, i just won't agree with you. i'm stubborn as hell. i'm very very loyal, and i give wayyy too many second and third and fourth chances to people i care about. i'm a people pleaser to people i care about, and if i don't like you i will not pretend to like you. i will be civil but not nice. oh, i have ocd. and no, it's not like the people on tv. but it's still there, and i deal with it. i dislike girls. the majority of girls. i think they're annoying and rude and two faced and fake and... yeah. i love watching the food network, and the disney channel. big bang theory, icarly, and family guy are my favorite shows. and yeah, neither of those three are from my favorite channels. who cares. i love shopping (i'm a girl, duh) but i'm not a fashion type of shopper. i love comfortable clothes, i have too many shirts and if i could wear flip flops without experiencing hypothermia in the winter i would. my minds all types of messed up. i overthink things (what girl doesn't) but if you say one thing i hear another and i convince myself you said something that you didn't at all. i push people who start to care about me away, and i know i do and i can't stop myself from doing it. i lose a lot of close friends that way... or people who have the potential to be close friends. i have a monroe piercing and a bellybutton piercing, and i want tattoos but i'm a weenie and i'm afraid of the pain level. but once i get one i know i'll be hooked and want like five more. ohh. quotes i love:
  • age can never hope to win you while your heart is young.
  • everything i'm not makes me everything i am.
  • don't take life too seriously. you'll never get out of it alive.
  • whatever you do in life will be insignificant. but it is very important that you do it.
  • you can't tread water forever. eventually everyone gets tired.

i think you have a fairly good idea of who i am. (: i'll write more later.

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