Tuesday, September 14, 2010

ANOTHER giveaway?!

I have another giveaway to talk about! This one is coming from 'Also Known As', she's giving away a TON of nail polishes. There are different prizes to be won, so it's not just a one time win! :) You can get multiple entries, and while you're over there, check out her blogs. They're really informative and the pictures are perfect swatches. Here's the blog so check it out!


I have a giveaway to talk about!! Since I'm a sucker for them, I'm going to blog to my hearts content about it. Polish-Aholic (cute name, right?) is having a contest for her 300th follower. She's giving away tons and tons of adorable nail polishes as prizes (yes, you heard.. prizes!) She also has amazing blogs about enough nail color to fill a swimming pool. I wish I had that many nail polishes...

Anyway, her contest ends October first, so make sure you sign up! :)

Monday, June 21, 2010

lazy people tick me off.

okay, you have to understand where i work. it's a three aisle store, like this one above. (i'm so handy with paint sometimes. :P) not that big. it takes less than thirty seconds to walk to the back of the store. so WHY do people insist on

a)leaving shit at the cash register
b)asking me to 'go get something for them'

alright, we'll start with 'a'. people walk around the store, they pick up what they want, and they bring it to us. awesome! you look in your hand basket and hm, you suddenly don't know if you want that lip gloss anymore. so what do you do? lay it on the side of my cash register. excuse me, do i LOOK like your maid? while i am ringing up your other items you are MORE THAN WELCOME to take that lip gloss and walk 4 feet and put it the fuck back. unless you are old or crippled i see no fucking reason that you can't walk back to where you walked before and put it back. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.

moving on to 'b'. certain customers walk in the store and throw something on the counter. i pick it up and it's an old crumpled box of whatever they've obviously run out of. i look up at them and they roll their eyes and say, "i need one of those." . . . you must be fucking joking. PLEASE tell me you're fucking joking. you don't look crippled to me. you're old, but not to the elderly status, so why in THE GOOD LORDS NAME are you shoving this in my face? i only get items that are behind the cash register for you. you're on your own for the rest of the store, ass wipe. so i sit there and look at them and tell them that it's located in aisle two. you're fucking welcome. and it's not even the fact that they just acted as if i was born to go and grab lotion for them that really gets to me. these people NEVER, EVER ask. they TELL you. rudely, i might add. not "oh, can you please go and grab this for me quick?" (although i'd give them the same type of answer anyways, it's not my job to go and grab shit for you) it's "i need one of these." FUCK YOU. who taught you manners? did you skip that week in kindergarten? you need to watch sesame street again, jerk. come back when you're finished and then i'll treat you with respect.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

do you work here?

so here i am walking down the aisle with a little cart that has a tabletop on it. i'm price changing in my huge black smock (that's literally 7 times too big for me. i could fit two of me in there) that i have to wear for work and i have my bright red lanyard with my huge name tag hanging from it. and what do all of these people ask?

"hi, do you work here?"
REALLY. FUCKING REALLY. that's a stupid question, and it deserves a stupid answer. however, due to lack of freedom of speech at my job, (don't wanna get fired or anything) i have to joke about it. here are a couple of my responses.

"...*looks down at clothes* hm... yeah, i think that's why i'm wearing the smock."
"no, i dress like this for fun." or "no, i just walk around the store for fun."
"*blank stare for at least 6 seconds*... yes. yes i do."

sometimes i say no and go back to what i'm doing for a couple seconds and see how they react. most of them will say, "yes you do, you have the smock on!" oh, really? then WHY DID YOU ASK? don't tell me it's a good way to open the fucking conversation, because it's not. what you can say to open a conversation is "hi, can i ask a question?" or "hi, can you help me with something?" NOT "hyuck hyuck, hia, do you work here?" because then i will give you a sarcastic answer and you will feel stupid and you have no one to blame but YOURSELF. however, one time when some ditz asked if i worked there and i answered 'no', she actually said, "oh, i'm sorry!!" and walked off. i had to take a second or four to compose myself and then go after her and tell her it was a joke, and asked her what she needed. do people really think i would wear this out in public? it's hideous. it makes me look like a sumo wrestler. and it swishes when i walk, like snowpants when you were a little kid. theres' no possible way i can sneak up on you. you hear me coming down the aisle. *swish, swish, swish* "hi, do you need help with anything?"

AND HERE'S ANOTHER THING I DON'T GET. here's a sample conversation:
me: "hi, is there anything i can help you with?"
customer: "no *i turn and begin to walk away* but i have a question."

...alright. cause i didn't just ask if i could help you or anything. a question is in the description of 'help'.

or something like this:
me: "hi, are you finding everything alright?"
customer: "yeah, i'm fine. where's the aloe shampoo?"

*twitch* maybe it's just me, but your being very contradictory. i feel like calling you out, but i smile, and take you to the aloe shampoo.

or if they give me attitude about it. like, it's my job to ask you if you're finding everything alright. and if i ask and you just wave me off, fine, i won't give a flying fuck about you and will not interfere with you and your shopping anymore. don't try to come up to me either, while you're still on the phone, because you're not in the right state to talk to me or ask me a question or ask my opinion. because that asshole on the phone won't stop talking to you, no matter what you say to them or how many times you tell them "hold on for a second." tell them you will call them back when you are out of the store, put the phone in your purse, and i will gladly help you with whatever it is you need. you give me your undivided attention and i will do the same for you.

i have so much more to vent about but i don't want this to cover too many topics. i'll write again later.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

where oh where have manners gone?

i swear, there are no such things as manners anymore. if you walk into a store, and hear, "hi, how are you today?" you don't just look at me and keep walking. the use of eye contact means that you heard me but you are THAT MUCH of a bitch to just ignore me straight to my face. it's not that hard to say even "hi" back to me. but no. nothing. just a glance to show me that you are blatantly disregarding what i said and moving on with your obviously superior life. i work in a VERY small store, asshole. i will remember you ignored me and when you come up to the register and i just so happen to forget your coupon that you threw at me, remember that you asked for this. and if you don't catch it, hah, it's more that you have to pay, and in my mind, revenge/karma has been brought upon you. and if your cheap ass does happen to catch it, well, you have to spend an extra ten minutes with the cashier you pissed of the moment you walked in the door (literally) so i can fix the 'mistake' with a smug smile plastered on my face. i don't mind redoing the sale. it's my job to stand at the cash register. you, however, oh mighty bitch, obviously have a lot more to do, judging by the way you keep glaring at your watch and back at me, and tapping your foot obnoxiously. oh, am i taking too long for you? SAY HI NEXT TIME.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


i'm katie. i'm twenty and i'm short, with dark brown hair. i like to curse. well, not really like to, but i do it an awful lot. more than i should. i don't really capitalize but i punctuate, if you don't like it... well, i really don't care. i love reading, i always have a book with me, usually paperback... but when i don't have a real book with me i have a back up book on my kindle app on my iphone. and yes, i have an iphone and it is like an extension of my arm. i need it. it's a sick and twisted relationship. i'm very random, i can't focus really well on a single topic. i'll jump back and forth and go from one thing to another and it will be without warning. that's one of the main reasons i need to stay on this blog. gotta write down everything i'm thinking about. and a main way to vent my frustrations. some of them will be unfair and unwarranted, and some will be ridiculous, and i really don't care. because life is ridiculous and unfair. and i can complain about whatever the fuck i want to on here. it's my blog. KAY THANKS. (: i'm going to college and majoring in english with a minor in media communications, but i just chose that major. i was a business major, which did NOT work because i'm not a two plus two equals four kinda person. it bored me and i sucked at it just for the single fact that it was lame as hell and you couldn't argue anything. and really, what is the world without an opinion? i'm not the type to ignore others' opinions, i just won't agree with you. i'm stubborn as hell. i'm very very loyal, and i give wayyy too many second and third and fourth chances to people i care about. i'm a people pleaser to people i care about, and if i don't like you i will not pretend to like you. i will be civil but not nice. oh, i have ocd. and no, it's not like the people on tv. but it's still there, and i deal with it. i dislike girls. the majority of girls. i think they're annoying and rude and two faced and fake and... yeah. i love watching the food network, and the disney channel. big bang theory, icarly, and family guy are my favorite shows. and yeah, neither of those three are from my favorite channels. who cares. i love shopping (i'm a girl, duh) but i'm not a fashion type of shopper. i love comfortable clothes, i have too many shirts and if i could wear flip flops without experiencing hypothermia in the winter i would. my minds all types of messed up. i overthink things (what girl doesn't) but if you say one thing i hear another and i convince myself you said something that you didn't at all. i push people who start to care about me away, and i know i do and i can't stop myself from doing it. i lose a lot of close friends that way... or people who have the potential to be close friends. i have a monroe piercing and a bellybutton piercing, and i want tattoos but i'm a weenie and i'm afraid of the pain level. but once i get one i know i'll be hooked and want like five more. ohh. quotes i love:
  • age can never hope to win you while your heart is young.
  • everything i'm not makes me everything i am.
  • don't take life too seriously. you'll never get out of it alive.
  • whatever you do in life will be insignificant. but it is very important that you do it.
  • you can't tread water forever. eventually everyone gets tired.

i think you have a fairly good idea of who i am. (: i'll write more later.